Broken Promise (The Broken Ones Book 3) Read online

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  "We worry about you. That's what family does. Leave it be."

  That, she couldn't argue with. He did, however, leave her alone afterward.

  Quickly enough, her thoughts turned back to Prince. The pain of missing him clenched her chest. The pain of not knowing when she'd ever see him again spiraled through her whole body. One day. Rotting Prince. Had he done that on purpose? Perhaps he thought it romantic. Maybe he just didn't know. Her brows drew down in anger. He could have been a bit more specific. She knew Elves didn't see time like humans. He could have meant he'd come again when she rested on her deathbed. Stupid, stupid Elf. Maybe everything yesterday hadn't been real. Maybe…


  Her head jerked up.

  Bo cocked his head to the side. "I said…we're stopping to eat and rest the horses."

  She tilted her head up, surprised to find the sun high in the sky.

  The boys chatted while they ate. Every now and then she'd nod or make a sound like she was listening, but really she wasn't.


  She started and glanced up at Kei. "Yes?"

  "We're ready to go," he said softly, his brows drawn together in worry.

  With a nod, she stood and rubbed at her temples. She needed to stop thinking but just didn't know how. "Maybe I'll run for a while. Clear my head."

  Bo flashed her a grin and left to arrange tying her mount behind the others.

  "You didn't eat much," Kei said.

  "I just wasn't hungry."

  He nodded once and forced a smile. "Run with me?"

  "Of course."

  "Would you…" He hesitated. "Would you like to try using our bond? You can try to find me."

  Perhaps working on improving her magic skills, or whatever the Fey bond was, would help. "Sure."

  Garen stayed by Bo and the horses, and they set out once more. For a while, she just ran side by side with Kei through the trees, focusing her thoughts on not tripping and paying attention to the woods around her.

  Finally, he slowed and she did the same.

  "So how do we do this?"

  He let out a soft sigh. "We are bonded twice. Friends and family."

  She nodded and when he didn't say more prodded him along. "This makes our bond stronger?"

  "Yes. Remember, Fey magic is of the heart and soul. We are bound by such. You should be able to sense where I am, if not exactly, then at least the general direction. Perhaps how far away I am."

  She already knew he could find her. He'd proved that before. "How do I…" She waved her hand in the air between them. "Make it work?"

  His brow crinkled in annoyance. "The connection is there. I just… It should…" A growl of annoyance escaped his lips. He let out a loud irritated sigh. "You need to think of me. You need to see me."

  Think of him she could do. She didn't understand what he meant by seeing him. If she could see him, then obviously she'd know where he was.


  The expectant look on his face made him look younger and she couldn't help but smile and nod.

  "Wait a little, and then try to find me."

  Nervousness suddenly made her palms clammy. "So, I just have to think of you."

  With a final nod and grin, he darted off into the trees. She set off at a jog, trying to concentrate on where he might be. After a while, she stopped, closed her eyes, and pictured him in her mind.


  She turned slowly, trying to feel the bond they shared.


  This isn't working, she thought to him.

  Keep trying. You can do this.

  She tried and then eventually gave up and ran a bit farther ahead and tried again. No matter what she did, she couldn't sense Kei.

  When he finally came back to her, she put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "I don't know why it's not working. I usually don't have so much trouble with magical things." Magic came easily to her. Even if she didn't master it immediately; she always had at least some small success.

  "Let's run."

  She cast him a curious glance before nodding. Again they ran silently, and she was left to her thoughts. At first she tried to figure out what went on in his head. He appeared lost and sad, and she wasn't sure why. Frustration she could understand. Not being able to get their bond to work frustrated her, as well.

  It did not take long for her thoughts to return to Prince. Once they started, she couldn't get them to stop. He'd left her with too many unanswered questions.

  A branch smacked her in the face and she cursed.

  "Pay attention," Kei called back when she automatically slowed to rub her burning cheek.

  "I am," she muttered, picking up the pace again. Except she wasn't, and knew it.

  She didn't miss his quiet snort. They ran for a while longer, and she struggled to clear her mind of rambling thoughts.

  Do you want to try again?

  He glanced over at her in surprise before nodding and slowing to a walk.

  Walking beside him in silence, she concentrated on slowing her heartbeat. "So…what do you think I'm doing wrong?"

  Stopping, he took her hand. "You think too much."

  She grinned wryly at that. "I often do."

  A small smile crossed his lips. "But for this, with Fey magic, you don't use this." He tapped her forehead with one finger. "You use this." He rested his hand over her heart.

  "It's not really mind magic, then?"

  "No." He paused for a moment. "You need to stop thinking about him, and think about me. Only me."

  "I was!"

  He shook his head vehemently. "No, or it would have worked. Find me in your heart, Aro, and you can find me anywhere."

  She stared into his golden eyes, shocked at the intensity not only of his words, but of his stare. She hadn't realized how badly he wanted her to be able to master this. Perhaps this meant more than she thought it did, at least to him.

  Nodding slightly, she forced a smile. "I'm trying."

  "I know." He knocked his forehead against hers. "Maybe this isn't the best time."

  "But I want to think of something else," she protested. "I can't get him out of my head. I can't stop worrying maybe…" She shook her head.

  "I'm here. I'm always here," he said quietly.

  "I know. It's just…hard."

  "Love is always hard. But loving is what matters. Not if the other returns it."

  She scowled. "Of course it matters if they love you back! What's the purpose otherwise?"

  He shrugged a shoulder and dropped her hand as he turned away. "Love is love."

  She didn't understand what he was trying to say and for the first time in a while, cursed his stilted, short way of speaking. "Did you want to try again or not?"

  He shook his head. "You aren't ready yet. Right now, I can't compete with him."

  "It's not a competition."

  "No, but you haven't learned how to do this, how to separate the loves in your heart. Right now, he is all you can think of. Your heart is full of only him." He tilted his head, looking up at the sky. "We have time. We'll try again."


  He held out his hand. "We can talk instead. If you want?"

  She hesitated a moment. "About?"

  He blinked once and lowered his hand. "You and Prince. I thought…it might help."

  His uncertain tone made her wince. "I… Not yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm thinking. Everything in my head is just a mess."

  He turned away, but not before she caught the hurt look on his face.


  "Think then. I'm here if you need me." He took a few steps away before stopping again. "Just be careful, and pay attention. The woods aren't safe, and you know that."

  Her lips moved, but she couldn't think of what to say. She still had no idea even when he ran from her sight.

  "Rot." She ran her fingers roughly through her hair. Somehow she'd managed to anger Kei. Hurt him even. She hadn't meant for that. He didn't deserve it.
He was only trying to help, like a best friend would. Like a brother would. She cursed herself again and started to run. Maybe if she ran enough, thoughts of Prince would disappear on the wind of her passing.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  She eventually calmed the raging torrent of thoughts into a less chaotic ramble. Whether the mindless task of running or the silence of the forest helped her she didn't know, or care. Perhaps her thoughts had just finally run their course.

  Even the fierceness of her emotions dimmed somewhat. The anger, the fear, and the sadness didn't quite overwhelm her anymore. A sharp bitterness came forward, mainly directed at herself. Why couldn't she just be happy? They had returned Prince to his home. He'd be well now, and safe. She should at least be happy about that, but she wasn't. A selfish part of her wanted him still by her side.

  She refused to cry. However, her body and mind persisted on urging her to do so, to drop to the ground and wail and scream out her heartache and loss.

  Chest tight and eyes stinging with unshed tears, she pushed herself to run faster.

  When darkness dropped from the trees before her onto the shadowed ground, her breath lodged in her throat as she scrambled to stop her headlong run.

  She saw only flashing claws and snarling teeth as she skidded to a stop, hands grasping for daggers. The clawed shadow leapt forward before she could pull them and she stumbled backward, heart pounding. Fear stole her voice as she lost her footing in her wild attempt to evade those deadly claws. She crashed onto her back, the breath knocked out of her.

  Weaponless and vulnerable, she raised her chin in defiance to the death about to claim her.

  Chapter 4


  "You're dead!"

  Aro gasped up at the furious face of Kei. Heart still madly pounding, she struggled to breathe and control her sudden flash of anger.

  "That's not funny!" Scrambling to her feet, she brushed off her pants and glared over at him. "I mean it."

  His eyes remained a glowing red. Though his teeth had returned to normal, his claws remained. They clacked his irritation and anger. "You weren't paying attention. If it hadn't been me, you would be dead."

  "You don't know that," she argued.

  A low growl rumbled from his chest. "You should get back on the horse."

  "I don't want to."

  "Why are you being so difficult?"

  "Why are you?"

  He paused at her snappish tone and wilted under her glare. "I worry for you."

  Her anger bled away and she turned her gaze to the ground. "You don't need to. I'm just…sorting things out in my head."

  His brows drew together in frustration and perhaps, a bit of anger. "I just want…" Shaking his head, he pressed his lips together, sealing in whatever he'd been about to say.

  Before she could respond, he brushed by her and stalked into the trees.

  She turned to stare after him. "What do you want?" He didn't turn back and soon disappeared from view. "What do you want!"

  "And that is the problem."

  Whirling around, her anger spiked as she took in the Dragos standing in front of her. "What do you want?"

  Damon shrugged. "To see how you fare after losing your prince."

  "Well enough."

  He chuckled. "So I see."

  She bristled at his sarcastic tone. Don't anger the dragon, though at least he was in his mostly human form. She hoped never to see his dragon one up close.

  He tipped his head in the direction Kei had gone. "It is a shame you push him away. You don't know what you have."

  "Of course I do," she muttered.

  "No, child, you do not." He let out a weary sigh. "Still so much anger. You are blinded by it. The walls you built to protect yourself now hinder you. You won't let him in."

  "Who I let into my mind is none of your concern," she snapped. "You are not welcome. That is all you need to know."

  He shook his head, regarding her as if she were a five year old. "The boy could be your greatest strength. He is completely devoted to you. You are everything to him. His family. His best friend. He loves you."

  Her eyes snapped to his strange swirling ones in surprise.

  "I did not say he was in love with you." His lips twisted in amusement as she relaxed. "It hasn't grown into that." He turned and began walking toward the Were settlement.

  She frowned, wondering if she imagined a quiet "yet." After a moment, she resigned herself to knowing he wasn't going away. Following behind him, she tried to keep his words from tumbling about in her mind. She hated knowing he was right.

  "Of course I am," he said over his shoulder.

  "I hate how you do that."

  He laughed and slowed, allowing her to catch up and walk beside him. "I am a Dragos, Arowyn. Reading thoughts is natural for me."

  She glared over at him.

  "You've changed the topic, however. Well done." His pace slowed. "As to your Fey." He stopped, putting out an arm so she was forced to as well. "In time, you would learn how rare such devotion as he has for you is. Time is not something you have. If you would only think," he rapped his knuckles on her forehead, "you would understand what he wants."

  Crossing her arms, she grimaced. "Since you seem so concerned about it, why don't you just tell me?"

  "Quite simply, you don't think of others."

  Anger rose within her again. How dare he say such a thing! "That is not true! At all! I love them. I'd die for my boys!"

  He tilted his head to the side. "I'm not saying you don't care for them, not at all. But you won't let them help you. Kei wants to be there for you. He understands you are hurting. Yet you push him away and wallow in your sadness and anger. You have put no effort in understanding the bonds you share. Consider what he thinks of this. He gives you everything, yet you think only of the prince."

  The words stung. At that moment, she'd rather he would have stuck her with a rusty sword. Tipping her head, she stared at the ground, allowing her hair to shield her face and the embarrassed flush coloring her cheeks.

  "I don't…" She shook her head, words failing her.

  Damon rested his hands on her shoulders. "Kei can be so much more to you. You need to see this. His strength, his support, can hold you together. I don't just speak of now, but in the future. You need him, Arowyn. You will need him, more than you know. Just as he will need you."

  She looked up at him sharply, her body tensing in anger once more. "Enough about the prophecy. I don't want to hear it."

  Anger shadowed his face as he dropped his arms. "Difficult child. You do not understand anything! You are a part in a plan set in motion after the fall of the queens. An important part, but–"

  "What plan?"

  "The magic of this world has grown since we were sent here. Life creates power, and all power returns to its source, one way or another. Do you understand?"

  "Not at all," she said in annoyance.

  "Where do you think these prophecies come from? At one time, there was no such thing. But the magic has grown, and at some point it became aware, aware of this world and the beings upon it."

  She stared at him in bewilderment. "You're saying the magic is alive?"

  "In some sense, perhaps. To what extent I do not know. Yet it aids us now, with prophecy, with gifting you with so much. Think on that."

  "But…why? Why would it want to help us?"

  "Not so much help us perhaps, but to destroy the Vor. They are unnatural creatures. The Vor-ai, as well as some of the others, consume magic. With them, not only is it not returned, when they feed on others, it is lost altogether."

  Shaking her head, she struggled to believe what he said. "So you think the…magic, it can see the future? That is even more impossible than everything else you've said."

  "Not believing will not make the prophecies go away." He shook his head. "Kei believes, and he knows more than he'll tell you or I. If you will not play your part and listen, then you leave me little choice."

  Fear skittered up
her spine at the finality of his tone. "What do you mean," she whispered.

  He spread his hands. "If you will not use him, then I will."

  "Do not threaten me," she said, her words clipped and furious.

  He chuckled in amusement. "You are not strong enough to fight me."

  "Not yet."

  His head tilted slightly, giving her a brief acknowledging nod. However, the twist of his lips indicated his amusement at the thought. "Best keep your manners about you, child." His knuckles briefly brushed down her cheek. "It is not in your or your friends’ best interest to anger me. We both know how that turns out. Don't we?"

  Words lodged in her throat as he turned and disappeared into the shadows with unnatural speed.

  "Rot." She briskly rubbed her hands over her face. Damon's words had clearly been a threat. Exactly what he threatened she didn't know, other than it involved Kei. Once again, she'd said something wrong.

  Frustration and anger made her growl out loud. Spinning on her heel, she took off into the trees. She couldn't do anything right. It seemed like she never could.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  She ran, her thoughts at least on Kei instead of her lost prince. Had she inadvertently put him in danger? It was so hard to tell with Damon. She never knew what he wanted, or what he pulled from her thoughts when they spoke. Something she thought inconsequential could mean more to him.

  Anger continued to simmer within her as the sun moved across the sky. Kei didn't return. Her run remained quiet except for the occasional thought from Garen or Bo on their location.

  A shadow flickered in the trees to the left.



  Are you near?


  I thought I saw something.

  The settlement is close. It is likely another Were.

  Relief settled over her. The long day and her run had begun to tire her. Her legs ached, and the stomach muscles she'd healed only a few days ago screamed for rest. Raging emotions hadn't helped either. Being confused was exhausting. Soon they'd arrive and have a bed to sleep in, and hopefully a good meal as well.

  I'll wait for you.

  Slowing to a stop, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to settle her breathing. Sweat caused her clothes to stick to her in spots, and strands of hair clung to her damp face. Pulling the leather tie from her hair, she stuck it between her teeth and attempted to finger-comb her hair into some semblance of order. Though she likely looked a mess, and probably didn't smell that great either, she wanted to not look a total disaster when she arrived.