Broken Kei Read online

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2018 by Jen Wylie

  Cover Design © 2018 by Sean Hayden

  Cover Photo © 2018 Shutterstock/Poprugin Aleksey

  First Untold Press Publication / August 2018

  All rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination and or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Untold Press LLC

  114 NE Estia Lane

  Port St Lucie, FL 34983


  This book is dedicated to the newest member of the family, my nephew Evan! May your life be an amazing adventure! (Or you stay home and read lots of books while surrounded by bubble wrap, your mother and I would be fine with that, too!)

  Thank you to everyone for waiting so long for this book! I know it's taken me forever to finish and I greatly appreciate your patience and support!

  Of course, I'd probably still be writing this if my sweetheart and my boys hadn't continued to harass me to get writing and encouraged me to not give up. Lots of love and hugs to you guys! Thank you!

  I'd also like to send out some huge thank you's to the wonderful ladies who helped proofread! Thank you so very much to: Kris Lynch Arnett, Tambra White, Kendra Gaither, Lynn Vroman, and lastly to my awesome cousin Theresa and my amazing mom! You all rock! Flings rainbows!

  Aro wrapped her arms tighter around Kei as the horse stumbled on the uneven ground. A gust of frigid wind whipped around them and she turned her face, setting her cheek against his head where it rested on her shoulder. He sat in front of her, legs hanging over one side, hands limp in his lap. Her thighs burned and her back ached from the effort of holding him for so long. Even thin as he was, she struggled to keep him in the saddle as the horse plodded along. She didn't care. He was back and that was all that mattered.

  He wasn't conscious. Damon had broken his mind, but he was back.

  Closing her eyes, she sucked in a slow breath as a tremble ran through her. Somehow, she would figure out a way to fix him. Kei believed in her, Damon said she could, so…she would find a way.

  "Do you need to stop?"

  Looking over the horse's head, she saw Baelan walking backward, watching for her response. The Elf moved slowly and smudges of black sat below his eyes showing his growing exhaustion, but he continued plodding along the frozen fields and leading the horse. She noted the tightness around his mouth. The Dragos paid a visit to his mind as well, causing enough pain to drop the Elf to his knees. Perhaps the pain still lingered, it wasn't something they could heal.

  "I'm fine," she lied. "I just want to get home."

  Looking beyond him, she narrowed her eyes. The faint glow of the pre-dawn sky gave enough light for her to see the familiar road ahead. They were nearly back in Westport.

  Nodding once, he turned and continued his careful and slow pace.

  He would never argue with her. He would, in fact, do absolutely anything she asked.

  She hated it. She hated him.

  He'd killed her. Pretending to help her, he overdosed her on riath and left her to bleed out on the floor after her fight against rogue Elves intent on killing her.

  The Elven pirate, Roan, saved her life. When he promised to keep her safe, she agreed to stay with him in the city. He didn't, despite his best efforts. Yet, he sent Baelan and the bodies of the other Elves back to Rivenward and then took care of her once more. She died, but somehow, he brought her back.

  Everything had been over…or so she thought, until her killer arrived on her doorstep, beaten and scarred and begging for her to give him a chance to redeem his honor. She'd almost killed him, but Bo reminded her she wasn't that kind of person. She didn't kill unarmed men on their knees before her. So, she let the Elf use his Elven rune magic and bind himself to serve her. She had no idea what to do with him, how to be someone's…master. She hated suddenly being one.

  He did anything she asked. He followed her everywhere, had in fact, followed her outside the city when she left to retrieve Kei from Damon, the Dragos who'd stolen him.

  Baelan got quite the shock to find she went to meet a dragon. The terror on his face would have been amusing, except she'd been too furious to pay much attention. He kept her from attacking Damon though, and possibly that saved her life. Once the dragon left, Kei once again lost consciousness and the Elf helped bundle him in a cloak and hat and get him up on the horse.

  She still didn't trust him and doubted she ever would. Sometimes just looking at him brought forth such a sense of loathing she–

  "I can hear you," he suddenly muttered, just loud enough for her to hear. He glanced over his shoulder. "Or is that your intention?"

  "I…" She didn't know what to say. Embarrassment heated her face, which only made her angrier as she concentrated on protecting her thoughts. Though considering he was supposed to serve and obey her, she found his sudden comment almost amusing. Perhaps the Elf still possessed a bit of backbone.

  "Even though your mind is closely guarded," he continued, "you tend to let your guard down and yell your surface thoughts, especially when you're angry. In case you didn't know," he added.

  No, she hadn't, but it didn't surprise her. There were so many things she didn't know. Roan told her to learn from the Elf, but trusting him enough…. She shook her head. Even knowing Roan was right, she shouldn't waste such an opportunity, she just couldn't do it. She wanted him gone, out of her sight so she didn't need to be constantly reminded of the past. Hopefully he wouldn't be around for very long.

  Baelan stopped walking, yet didn't turn to face her.


  His shoulders curved in, but still he kept his back to her. "Most likely I will be bound to you for quite some time. Possibly even until you're old and gray and pass of old age. I wanted you to understand this."

  The words hit her, hard. Her mouth worked, but words just wouldn't form. Were her thoughts still leaking out? Never mind that, what did he mean? She'd be stuck with him forever?

  "I killed you," he said firmly, as if that explained everything.

  It didn't, not at all. She had no idea how the spell he cast worked.

  "I'm not going to die of old age," she finally said.

  He turned then, his head tipping to one side. "The Fey fury you take in may slow it down, give you additional decades, or even centuries, but you will age, and you will die."

  Eyes wide, she could only stare at him, her breath caught in her throat. No one had ever told her that. She knew the fury she took from the Fey would change her, had changed her already, but for it to extend her life....

  Clearing her throat, she finally answered, "I meant I would be killed before then. Die fighting."

  Turning, he began to walk again. "That is what I am here to prevent."

  She cursed and wasn't quiet about it. Trying not to mull over everything he'd just said was harder than it should have been.

  Tucking the cloak around Kei a bit tighter, she tried to stretch the cramp from her neck. The sun began to peek over the mountains as they reached the road.

  She sent a quiet thought to her boys. We'll be home soon.

  Bo and Garen didn't ask too many questions. They already did when she first contacted them after they set back out to the city.

  Through the Fey bonds she shared with Kei, she could feel almost nothing. His constant sleeping worried her. It shouldn't, it being barely morning, but a nagging fear he'd never wake up
wouldn't go away. Holding him snug against her with one hand, she raised the other to rub at her gritty eyes.

  Soon, they'd be home. She would sleep and eat and then…then she'd try to figure out how to fix the damage Damon caused while tearing the centuries old prophecy from Kei's mind. Her breath hitched at the thought and she closed her eyes again. For months, the Dragos tortured him, ripping his mind apart piece by piece to get at the prophecy Kei's parents had bound, and hidden, within him.

  It wasn't going to be easy, but then again, nothing ever was.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Bo met them at the gate to the fortified little part of the city they now called home. The two-story stone house, stables, paddock, and little bit of land had been walled when they bought it. However, having Elves wanting to kill her because they thought her to be their prince's weakness forced them to increase their security. The walls were now higher, with watch areas. The gate now fortified and barred. Though the Elves after her were dead, or in Baelan's case, magically bound to serve her, it didn't mean they wouldn't still take precautions. There could always be more.

  Closing the gate behind them, Bo then moved to her side and raised his hands. "I'll take him in."

  Nodding, she awkwardly shifted Kei's unmoving body down into Bo's arms. Tall, broad shouldered, and with arms like small tree trunks, he easily cradled Kei's slight form against his chest.

  Slipping down off the horse, she winced and groaned as sore muscles protested the sudden movement.

  "You need to get some rest, pup," Bo commented, his scarred face grimacing as he looked her over. "Did you eat?"

  Food. Yes, Bo packed them some and she'd forgotten about it. "I will later." She jerked her head toward the back of the house. "I need to go. Can you get him to bed?"

  "Of course."

  Garen, still glamored to look like a dog, bumped his head against her thigh. We'll take care of him. You take care of yourself right now.

  She gave his head a scratch. I will. She didn't speak out loud. Baelan still didn't know their pet dog was really a Were hidden by an Elven glamour. Not completely trusting the Elf, they still hadn't told him.

  Garen trotted away to catch up with Bo and she slowly moved to the front of the horse, giving it a pat on the neck. Baelan stood silently, still holding the reins. He'd dropped the glamor he wore out in the city. Human ears once more were pointed, brown hair and eyes returned to silver.

  "Can you take care of the horse?"

  "Of course."

  "You know how?"

  For a moment, a look of disbelief momentarily crossed his beautiful face, followed by an irritated frown. "Yes," he answered through gritted teeth.

  Not caring if her comment upset him or not, she headed for the privies. For a moment she missed living with Roan. His house had them inside. She couldn't deny that for some reason she missed the cold-hearted man. Occasionally, she'd seen a different side of him. After spending the winter with him, she allowed herself to admit she thought of him as a friend.

  When finished, she entered the house by the side door and stepped into the kitchen. Stripping off hat, gloves, and her cloak, she tossed them on the counter before heading for the bath room.

  Bracing her hands on the small table holding the pitcher and wash basin, she stared into the mirror for a long moment. She looked worn and tired, much older than seventeen. Part of that may have been all the scars. Dark brown, messy hair framed her face, falling halfway down her back. Dark circles smudged around eyes now the same golden hue as a Fey's. Shaking off her weariness, she washed her hands and face.

  Her feet dragged as she made her way upstairs. Worry for Kei gnawed at her insides. Perhaps some of that was hunger, too. The need to check on Kei overwhelmed any desire to eat.

  At the top of the stairs she paused, looking into Kei's room and finding it empty.

  Garen stepped into the hall from her room. Down here. Bo could use some help.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she raced down the hall and through the door on the right. A slightly crazed laugh erupted out of her.

  Bo sat with Kei on the bed, trying to hold the unconscious Fey up in a sitting position as he struggled to remove his shirt.

  "I'll help," she said quietly. Her foot caught and she stumbled as she tripped over one of Kei's boots.

  Bo cursed under his breath. "Sorry, pup."

  "No worries." Sitting beside Kei, she helped get his filthy shirt off as Bo held him.

  "I'd like to get him out of these pants, but I couldn't find anything else to put him in."

  Guilt swarmed through her. "I gave them to Baelan."

  "He'll be fine for now. I'll run out and get something once the market opens. Once he wakes up we'll get him into the bath."

  Pulling the blankets back, they maneuvered Kei into a comfortable position and tucked him in.

  "Did you get some sleep?"

  Bo shook his head, crossing his arms and staring down at Kei. "I will." He glanced over at her. "Get ready for bed. You look like you're going to fall over. Or do you want to eat first?"

  She shrugged a shoulder. "I'm not hungry." Hearing movement behind her, she turned.

  "Elaina is here," Baelan said quietly.

  Bo raised his eyebrows and immediately headed for the door. "I'll be right back."

  Baelan frowned, his eyes on the sleeping Fey.

  "What?" She barely kept the panic from her voice.

  He hesitated and then just shook his head.

  She'd caught him doing that quite often during the last few days and she stared at him sharply. Why would…. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. Of course. "You may speak freely."

  Gray eyes snapped to her in surprise.

  The shock in them made a small smile curve her lips, and at the same time an uncomfortable knot formed in her stomach. "Don't worry. If I don't want to hear it, I'll let you know."

  He nodded once, sharply, and then turned his gaze to the floor. "Why is he here?"

  She snorted. His comment shouldn't have surprised her. "Bo put him here. He knew I'd not leave his side, and this way I can at least get some sleep."

  "I see."

  He probably didn't, but she didn't feel like explaining herself, or her relationship with Kei. He'd figure it out eventually. Or not. He likely still thought she and Roan had really been lovers.

  Bo walked in, a steaming bowl in one hand. "Elaina brought some soup." He glanced at Kei. "Do you think he'd eat?"

  She shook her head. Through her link with Kei, she could feel he wasn't even close to being awake.

  He held the bowl out to her. "Then you eat, and get changed, and get some rest. Elaina and I will head to the market."

  "And afterward you get some sleep, too," she insisted, taking the bowl.

  "Of course." He grinned and winked. "There's a whole pot downstairs. Eat up."

  "Thanks, Bo," she said softly.

  He ruffled her hair. "Everything will be fine." His eyes turned to Kei. "He's home now."

  He left and she sat on the end of the bed, forcing herself to eat. At least Elaina and her sisters were wonderful cooks. Baelan shifted by the door and she groaned inwardly. Holding the bowl on her lap, she turned to face him. "Go and eat. And get cleaned up, and go to bed. I don't care what order you do the last two," she added, taking in his weary appearance.

  He shook his head slightly. "I would prefer to stay close to you."

  Her eyebrows rose. The couch downstairs was too far away? "Sleep in Kei's bed then. It's just down the hall." She finished her soup while he continued to just stand there. The Elf was going to drive her insane. Standing, she walked over and handed the bowl to him. "Go. I need to get changed." She waved her hands at him when he still didn't move. "Eat, sleep. Consider that an order."

  Lowering his head, he turned for the door. "As you wish, master."

  Narrowing her eyes, she resisted the urge to swat him over the head and just slammed the door closed behind him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

p; She woke shortly after noon. Kei did not.

  He remained a silent, still body beside her, his face pale, eyes sunken and dark. If it weren't for the gentle rise and fall of his chest, she would have thought she'd lost him.

  The day passed slowly as she remained by his side. Garen joined her often, sprawled at the end of the bed, either with his head across Kei's legs or curled up against him. Bo and Elaina came and went, sitting in the chair to hold Kei's hand.

  Baelan hovered, a silent gray shadow along the edges of the room. Sometimes he brought food or water. Except for then, she ignored him.

  Another day went by. Kei didn't move. She spoke to him; out loud, with mind-speech. They all tried. He didn't answer. They tried to get him to eat and drink. Though they could part his lips, his jaw seemed locked shut. Even pinching his nose closed didn't work. They kept trying.

  Another day brought the same. She refused to leave his side. Every day she struggled, trying not to panic, not to let the growing fear and hopelessness overcome her. Why hadn't he woken up? She needed to remain strong and believe in him, just in case he could feel her. Holding their bond tightly, she constantly sent him her love and support. It was exhausting, but she didn't give up.

  She would never give up. Not on Kei.


  Aro placed her hand on Kei's forehead and then gently smoothed a lock of hair to the side. He felt cooler to the touch, not his usual overly warm self.

  Clenching her teeth, she locked down her worry and fear and kept her expression calm as she pulled her hand away and slipped it into Kei's hand once more.

  Elaina shifted forward from her seat beside the bed and gently wiped a wet cloth against his cracking lips. Bo sat in another chair beside her, elbows on his knees and head in his hands.

  She glanced down at Garen where his head rested across the Fey's lower legs. He'd been trying to read Kei's surface thoughts for days, but always found nothing. She stopped asking but knew he continued to try.