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Page 26

  After hesitating a moment, she moved closer. His fingers curved against the wardwall, as if he wanted to reach through it and touch her.

  He stepped closer, dipping his head, resting his forehead against the wardwall. "I miss you. So very much. Every day. Every night."

  Emotion plowed through her, tears burning her eyes. Unable to help herself, she raised a hand, pressing it against his. "I miss you, too," she admitted. "Always."

  "I want to hold you, so badly. I want to hold you and never let go. I am so sorry."

  Her lips trembled, and she fought harder not to cry.

  Be careful, whispered through her mind, so softly she wasn't sure who said it.

  "Arowyn, my Arowyn."

  "My prince." A tear slipped down her cheek. Rot.

  The soft smile on his face wavered. "I will come to you. As soon as I can, I will come."

  Her brows rose as her lips parted in surprise. "You will?"

  He nodded. "As soon as I can," he repeated. "I promise."

  Letting out a shuddering breath, she blinked away more tears. He promised?

  "Will you wait for me?"

  She hesitated, her eyes searching his face. Did he mean everything he said? Could she trust him? He stared back at her, so earnest and hopeful, she finally nodded.

  A huge, boyish smile lit his face and a small laugh escaped her at the sight of it. He leaned back slightly, still smiling, his gaze once again taking her in, memorizing her. "I should go then." His lips twisted into a grimace for a moment. "I have much to do to get free of her. Be safe, my Arowyn."

  "I will, and you, too."

  He grinned again, and then looked over her shoulder. "Take good care of her." His eyes returned to her as he stepped back. "I will see you soon."

  She hoped so, but wasn't quite sure if she could trust him so just gave an awkward nod.

  "You will wait for me?"

  She hesitated but answered quickly as uncertainty suddenly crossed his face. "I will." He smiled again, relief relaxing his features, and began to turn. She stepped forward. "Shael!" He paused, tipping his head to the side. "I love you."

  That huge smile returned, sending her heart fluttering. He pressed his hand to his chest. "My heart."

  Not an I love you, but close enough. She pressed her fingers to her lips and then against the wardwall. He repeated the gesture, making her smile again.

  With another grin, he finally turned and disappeared into the trees. The Elves followed, casting a variety of looks her way, mostly shocked or confused. Surprisingly none of them were hostile, which she didn't understand at all.

  She turned around. Baelan stared into the forest where Prince had gone, looking completely baffled.

  "Well, that was unexpected," she said as she began the walk back to the Fey camp.

  Kei's lips curved up in a pleased smile as he walked beside her.

  "Did you know?"

  He shrugged a shoulder. "He is supposed to come." His lips turned down into a frown. "Not everything is happening as it should, like the Dragos said, so I wasn't sure."

  She nodded absently. "So, he will come?"

  "I hope so, Aro."

  "Do you…do you know when?" She should have asked Prince that question.

  "He will be in Furia in the spring. I'm not sure when he'll arrive. Spring is the only time that is mentioned."

  Spring wasn't too bad. She could wait until then. He was coming. She almost couldn't believe it.

  Baelan stepped forward to walk on her other side. "What happens in the spring?"

  A brilliant smile lit Kei's face. "Our queen is chosen."

  She couldn't help but smile back.

  However, Baelan tipped his head to the side. "How will that be done?"

  Kei's smile dimmed. "I'm not…I don't know." His brows drew together.

  She threw an arm over his shoulders. "But we will. Perhaps the answer is in Furia."

  He relaxed under her arm, his eyes lighting up. "Yes, it is time to go to Furia."

  She glanced over her shoulder, knowing she wouldn't see her prince but unable to help herself. Emotions spun around inside of her. She should have listened to her heart, not what everyone else said. She and Shael often fought, but that didn't mean they didn't care about each other.

  She loved him and he…she was his heart.

  That was enough. More than enough.

  I will see you soon, my prince.

  Arowyn's tale continues in the next book!

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  If you enjoyed The Broken Ones don't miss Tales of Ever!

  Available on Amazon

  A few months ago, I was a normal girl. Life sucked, and just like everyone else, I took the simple things for granted. At least until I got this new power, a "gift" my mom called it. Apparently, I'm a firestarter. I didn't want to be. I didn't ask to be. It would be cool if it wasn't so dangerous and I knew how to control it. When an uncle I'd never heard of showed up to take care of me after my mom died, I should have been grateful. As it turned out, my whole family isn't normal and more than a little bit crazy. I thought things couldn't get any worse. I was wrong.

  They banished me to Ever.

  Other Works by Jen Wylie

  The Broken Ones

  -Broken Aro

  -Broken Prince

  -Broken Promise

  -Broken Kei

  Flashy Fiction and Other Insane Tales (anthology with Sean Hayden)

  -Volume 1

  -Volume 2

  -Bundle Volumes 1&2

  Tales of Ever (YA Fantasy)

  Ring Around the Rosie (FREE short story)

  Jen Wylie resides in rural Ontario, Canada with her two boys, Australian shepherd, and a disagreeable amount of wildlife. In a cosmic twist of fate she dislikes the snow and cold.

  Before settling down to raise a family, she attained a BA from Queens University and worked in retail and sales. Thanks to her mother she acquired a love of books at an early age and began writing in public school. She constantly has stories floating around in her head, and finds it amazing most people don't.

  Jennifer writes various forms of fantasy, both novels and short stories. She loves to hear from her readers!

  How to connect with Jen:

  Goodreads: Jen Wylie

  Twitter: @jen_wylie

  Facebook: Jennifer Wylie (page)


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