Broken Kei (The Broken Ones Book 4) Read online

Page 24

  He tipped his head to the side in confusion and her cheeks flushed with heat. He figured out what she meant before she could explain it was a phrase her brothers used to say.

  "Ah. They are still on course. It will be a little bit until they arrive, but not too long."

  Clearing her throat to get over her embarrassment, she nodded.

  His face softened. "I trust you will take better care of yourself this time, Aro."

  She noted he'd dropped the En, but wasn't quite sure what that meant. His tone didn't indicate disrespect. An endearment? "I will," she answered. "Would rather not go through that again."

  "None of us would," Kei muttered.

  She felt his worry and unease increase through their bond.

  A low growl came from the alpha and her gaze quickly returned to him. He wasn't looking at them though, but beyond toward the wardwall. "Rotting Elves."

  She turned to look, but didn't see anything. "What is it?"

  "Elves at the wardwall."

  "This side?"

  He snorted an unamused laugh. "No. Of course not," he said bitterly. "Rotting bastards like to watch sometimes."

  She frowned, and her gaze shot to Baelan. However, he didn't seem the least bit offended.

  "Well, that is…interesting." Rhee-En looked to her. "It appears your presence has been requested. By their prince."

  Her breath lodged in her throat as she stared at the Were with wide eyes.

  His smile turned soft. "Go on, then. Be quick about it."

  "I-I will," she managed to stammer out.

  He was here.

  Her prince was here.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  She raced along the tree line, her eyes searching along the wardwall. Her boys followed her, somewhat discreetly. Her heart raced in her chest. She felt…light. For the first time in a long while joy filled her.

  How long had it been since she last saw him? Since they parted ways at the gates to Rivenward? It'd been early fall then, was midsummer now. Nearly a year then. It seemed so much longer. She didn't count the two dreams they shared. Those…weren't quite real.

  Her heart was singing, but it was a sad, painful song.

  Even this time, she'd see him, but not be with him. The stupid wall would separate them. She wouldn't be able to touch him, to have him hold her in his arms. To kiss her.

  She spotted him by the wall, beneath the trees on the other side. He stood straight and still, hands at his side, watching her approach.

  Darting across the field, she looked once down the length, checking for Vor. Seeing no sign of them, she pushed the beasts, and the battle to come, from her mind. She'd have a little time and she wouldn't waste it.

  Kei, Baelan, and Garen stayed by the treeline, giving her some semblance of privacy.

  Shael's eyes remained trained on hers as she reached him, slowing as she neared the wall, struggling to calm her heart. He was beautiful. Healthy. Strong. Powerful. His black hair hung past his shoulders. Fair skin shone with health. His eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, caught her gaze and held it. Her breath hitched in her throat. Rot, she wanted him so much.

  He reached out a hand, pressing it against the wall so she knew where it was. She stopped before him, unable to stop herself from raising her hand and placing it up against his.

  She smiled so wide it hurt her face. So much emotion crashed through her for a moment her eyes burned until she pushed the unwanted tears of joy away.

  He stared at her for a long moment, his gaze flickering over her from head to toe before focusing on her face once more. A rare soft smile crossed his face. Her beautiful prince.


  He stepped closer and moved his free hand to his ear, shaking his head.

  Anger flared up within her. Of course. Of course, he couldn't hear her.

  His fingers moved to his eyes, and then his mouth. She sighed but nodded. Reading lips it would be. Those distracting lips she wanted to kiss so badly it hurt.

  At least she could see him. It wasn't such a bad thing she'd have to concentrate on his lips. The thought brought her smile back.

  "My Arowyn," he began, sending her heart fluttering again. His gaze roamed her face once more. "I have missed you."

  She stepped closer, placing her other hand on the wardwall. "I've missed you, too. So much."

  His free hand rose, matching hers, and they stood there for a long moment just…looking. His eyes were full of so much emotion. She wished she could read him better, know what thoughts and feelings made him look at her in such a way.

  With a sigh he closed his eyes for a moment and she dropped her gaze. Beneath the cuffs of his shirt, she saw runes encircling his wrists. Not chains like Baelans, but thick bands.

  Her gaze met his again. "It's true?"

  He saw her looking and with a grimace, nodded. "Yes."

  Her stomach clenched, and her emotions flew everywhere. Anger. Sorrow. Worry. "I'm sorry."

  "You were not the one to do it."

  He seemed so calm, but then he was an expert at hiding his emotions when he wanted to.

  He looked to the side, and then back to her. "Is he taking care of you? Protecting you?"

  "He is," she answered, nodding.

  His lips flattened into a grim line for a moment. "Good."

  Fingers curling against the wall, she shifted closer. She didn't want to talk about Baelan. She wanted to press through the stupid wall and be with him. Her lips trembled for a moment before she pushed the sadness away. "I wish…"

  Their eyes locked together again. "I know, Arowyn. I know."

  They both leaned forward, heads pressing against the wardwall. She tried to imagine his skin against hers. The feel of him. He shifted back and she raised her head. Lifting a hand from the wall, he traced a line with his fingers, as though stroking them down her cheek.

  "I wish things were different."

  His face filled with sadness. He sighed and dropped his hand. "I as well, Aro, I as well. You are…" He shook his head.

  "I love you," she whispered. "I've never stopped."

  A faint smile crossed his lips. "Oh, my sweet girl. There is so much I wish I could say."

  Why couldn't he? She dropped her hands and took a deep breath. For another long moment they just stared at each other, faces shifting with emotions neither of them wanted the other to see.

  Movement tore her gaze from his face and her brows drew together as she looked beyond him into the trees. Scattered through the forest behind him Elves stood, all watching her. She counted four, but didn't doubt there were more than that, which brought forth a number of questions.

  "Why…How are you here?"

  He let out a heavy breath, as if he knew she'd ask and hoped she wouldn't "Our Seer spoke of a Vor attack at the wardwall. She suggested archers be sent." He paused and smiled slightly. "She told me you would be there. I did not argue when the queen ordered me to come."

  She stared at him, blinking rapidly, as his words crashed into her brain. "When," she asked quietly, "when did she see this?"

  His head tipped to the side. "A few weeks ago."

  She pressed a hand to her stomach as it twisted, her fury rising. "And you didn't think to warn us?"

  Confusion crossed his face. "It is not–"

  "We're on the same side! We didn't know! And now…" She sucked in a breath through gritted teeth. "You could have sent word to the city. Rot, you could have found a Were patrolling along the wardwall. You could–"

  "Arowyn, stop. Why are you so upset? It is not something we do. The Were–"

  "Didn't know," she interrupted, her voice rising. "They weren't ready for–"

  "That is not my problem."

  Her eyes widened. How could he say such a thing? Red and black, the fury whipped around within her. "How can you say that!"

  An Elf stepping closer caught her attention and she narrowed her eyes at him. It struck her then, how much emotion Prince had been showing, something he rarely did as it was, but in fro
nt of others, other Elves… Her gaze moved to the Elves behind him, of course…they couldn't see most of it. Did he hide his words as well? Moving his lips yet making no sound?

  Prince turned his head to speak to the other Elf, but she didn't catch what he said until he faced her again. "They do that sometimes. Especially when she's…emotional."

  Her eyes were glowing. Not surprising with how angry she felt right then.

  "No. She won't hurt me."

  She glared at him. Right then she rather wanted to. Did he not have any idea how a warning could have saved lives? Allowed them to be ready for such an attack? People were going to die. She held no delusions all the Were and Fey would survive the battle to come.

  His eyes closed for a moment, as though he had to compose himself to deal with her. "I have to go."

  Of course he did. Her fists clenched. She lifted her chin. "So do I."

  He shook his head, frowning in annoyance. "Don't be like that. There are Vor near. I need to find–"

  He couldn't be serious. She stepped closer to the wardwall. "They are here," she said, interrupting him. Turning she pointed at the faint dark mass of them now visible at the end of the valley and then turned back. "Why do you think I'm here?"

  "No." Eyes wide, he stepped closer, placing a hand on the wardwall again. "She did not say…" His gaze flitted between her and the approaching Vor a few times. "You need to leave. Now."

  "Idiot." She shook her head. "I'm here to fight them."

  He looked beyond her for a long moment before looking back at her, his face tortured. "You cannot fight that. There are so many. You will not…"

  "Survive," she finished for him, raising her brows mockingly. "I'm not alone. Fey and Were wait in the trees." Her eyes searched his. "Come. Fight with me. Not this battle, but the next."

  "We do not…" He shook his head and stepped back. Away from her.

  "Fight? Risk yourselves? I shouldn't be surprised. There are thousands of us here to fight. Do you know that word?" She shot her gaze behind him at the other Elves. "I suppose not. You're a bunch of cowards hiding behind a wall."

  Her words gained the desired effect. His jaw clenched in anger. "Arowyn–"

  How could he not understand? Her voice rose with her growing anger and frustration. "Are you here? No. What good are you? Go home. Buy some skirts and dance around your pretty fountains. Drink wine in your fancy halls. Hide away like the cowards you are."

  "You do not–"

  "Understand? I do perfectly. You are all there. We are here. You didn't even bother to warn us! We will fight and we will die. And you… What are you doing? Nothing!"

  Though we are quite enjoying listening to you, I would suggest you take your position. Now.

  She didn't miss how the alpha's suggestion was more of an order, but didn't say anything about it. He was right.

  Prince slammed both of his hands against the wall, regaining her attention. "Listen to me. You need to leave. This is not your fight."

  "Of course it's my fight!"

  The fury within her rose higher. How could he say that? He knew who she was, what she could do, how she helped the Fey. How was this not her fight? Even if she were a normal human, she would still fight to keep her family safe from the Vor.

  She pounded a fist against her chest. "I fight because I can. I can't just wait for someone else to do it." She pressed her lips together angrily as she shook her head. "Of course, you don't understand, that's exactly what you Elves do."

  Her rage melted away. He didn't know her at all, to say such a thing. Apparently, she didn't know him either, to have thought he'd agree to come and fight with her.

  Disappointment filled her. In him. In herself. She should have known better. She should have listened to everyone who told her he didn't care. He didn't love her or want her, and she should stop wasting time and just move on.

  He wouldn't fight for his people against the Vor, how could she have thought he'd fight for her? She'd been so wrong. So very, very wrong…and it broke her heart.

  His anger melted away, brows drawing down in confusion as he watched her. He stepped forward, eyes widening in panic as he suddenly realized he was losing this argument. Losing her.

  "Goodbye, Shael," she whispered, meeting those beautiful eyes one last time.

  "No! Do not do this! Do not leave like–"

  She turned her back on him. Spine straight, chin high, she walked away, her steps quick but sure. She had no reason to stay.

  Her boys joined her side quickly as she continued down the middle of the valley. Her fury thrummed higher within her as her gaze focused on the quickly approaching Vor.

  "He's dancing about trying to get your attention. Looking quite frantic really," Baelan said with quiet amusement.

  She glanced to the side to see the Elf looking over his shoulder as he walked. "I don't care."

  He looked to her and then faced forward again. A faint unnervingly wicked smile crossed his lips for a moment before quickly disappearing.

  The Vor sped toward them. Thousands of paws creating a growing thunder with every moment. Kei looked over at her. "We aren't moving to the side?"

  She shrugged a shoulder. "Doesn't really matter, I don't think."

  His golden eyes met hers before looking away. There was so much in that one look. The past. The future. The gold turned to red. "I suppose it doesn't."

  Always by your side, she reminded him, because in the end, that was all that ever mattered.

  His lips curved into a smile. Always by your side.

  She turned to the Elf. "Ready?"

  "You are too excited," he grumbled. "And they call me crazy." With a shake of his head, he composed himself. "Yes." He held out a hand, showing fingers curled around a glowing rune. "Just let me know when."

  Aro-En, really?

  She smiled at the alpha's exasperation as she drew her blades and quickened her step.

  Sometimes I think you want to die.

  Not today.

  You better not, he muttered. Ready?


  A long moment passed. Now.


  Baelan immediately threw his hand in the air. The rune flew high above them before exploding into a ball of blue light. Before it had even faded, the Fey rushed from the trees with a wild roar nearly drowned out by the growls of charging Were.

  Jerking her fury forward, she ran headlong at the Vor with Baelan, Garen, and Kei by her side.

  As it should be.

  She fought. She fought and fought, blades swinging and blood flying. Claws and fangs tore at her, adding her own blood to that of her enemies. Running down her arms. Splattering her face. The power of the fury healed her. It heightened her senses, it sped her reflexes as it urged her on.

  Fight. Kill. Destroy. Destroy them all.

  The Vor threatened to overwhelm with their sheer numbers. Masses of darkness laced with teeth and claws on every side. Their previous encounter with them had been nothing but a skirmish. This was the first battle in a war.

  Flashes of rune magic teased the edge of her vision for a time. She saw Kei. Wild in his fury. Claws and teeth rending any Vor in his path. Now and then, he would find her. Touch her arm or side with a whispered, "Take," before bounding off again. Once his power depleted, Baelan gave way to the assassin. Bay circled around her, graceful in his silent, deadly dance.

  All she saw was blood and the dark horde of Vor falling upon her blades. The battlefield screamed with the shouts and cries, the roars, of those triumphant…and those in pain. Death screams. Howls of loss.

  Until nothing more stood before her. She heard nothing but the pounding of her own blood in her ears. Her feet slid on blood and gore as she turned, eyes searching, blades ready.

  Only the dead surrounded her. In the distance, here and there, Were and Fey pounced and tore apart the remaining few Vor.

  Her chest rose and fell quickly, her blood still rushing through her, ready, waiting to fight. The fury though, what remained,
simmered. Content. No longer screaming for death. The enemy was defeated.

  She was alive.

  Tipping her head to the sky, she sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her body sang with the knowledge. Alive, alive, alive!

  She wanted to scream, to roar out and share her victory with the very sky. I am alive!

  "And she stood so beautiful," a deep voice spoke reverently.

  Lowering her head, she turned to face Bay. The assassin.

  "Fierce and wild and strong. Victorious. Bathed in the blood of her enemies."

  Did he quote a poem? A song? Or did he perhaps, just speak what he saw. She stared at him, the blood dripping from his hair, smeared across his face. So very terrifying. So very beautiful. So very…alive.

  Alive, alive, alive…

  She stared into his eyes. Became lost in his storm. He was wild and fierce, vicious and strong. Alive, so very alive.

  Blades tumbled to the ground. His. Hers. Did she move forward or did he?

  Lips crashed together. Fingers tangled in bloody hair. There were no words, just frantic kisses and touches. He jerked her body closer. She pulled his hair and opened her mouth under his. He moaned against her. She pushed against him. Closer. More. More, more, more.

  "Aro. Aro!" Arowyn!

  She opened her eyes, startled. Gray eyes met hers. Bright and vibrant. Baelan's lips slid over hers once more before he pulled back, his arms relaxing around her, but not yet letting go.

  "Well, that was certainly something. Wasn't it, my lovely," he whispered.

  Blinking rapidly, she tried to gather her scattered thoughts.

  "Aro," Kei snapped.

  She tore her gaze from Baelan and found Kei beside them. Bloody, eyes golden…and irritated.

  "There are a few Fey stuck in the fury." He frowned. "We need to start looking for wounded."

  Guilt punched her in the stomach and she jerked back, out of Baelan's arms. What had she been doing?

  With a sigh, Kei turned and began walking away. "Let's go."

  Scrambling, she picked up her weapons and quickly followed him, wiping them off as best she could on her pants before sheathing them.