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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) Page 13

  Since he seemed to not take the hint to leave she turned and walked away.

  Though they hadn’t spoken long, the sun had slipped below the tree-line. Darkness quickly hid her from view and she began to run. Little light from the moon and stars made it through the canopy, barely enough to see by. She didn’t go far before she slowed and dropped to her knees. She couldn’t see. Tears blurred her vision and streamed down her cheeks.

  Aro? Aro? What’s wrong? Where are you? Aro? The voices of the others rattled through her head.

  She ignored them.

  Clenching her teeth didn’t quite smother the scream of frustration, of anger and hurt and embarrassment. So many emotions coursed through her she didn’t know what to concentrate on first.

  She heard Kei coming long before he crouched down in front of her. "You’re noisy." Wiping her eyes, she sniffled.

  "I was worried." Leaning forward, he reached out and brushed new tears from her cheek. "Didn’t go well."

  A short, rough laugh cracked through her lips and she shook her head. "No."

  "Did he hurt you?"

  "Of course not. He didn’t touch me."

  Kei grimaced. "That’s not what I meant. Was he cruel? Should I kill him?"

  Her laugh came out easier this time. "No. He wasn’t really."

  "I’ll tell the others then. So they don’t."

  Startled, she looked up quickly. "What?"

  "You didn’t come back with him. You didn’t answer us."

  Groaning, she put her face in her hands. "Everyone knows?"

  "I’m sorry. Prince said…" His words trailed off at her horror stricken face. "I’m sorry."

  The tears started again and she wrapped her arms around herself. She looked up at him through blurry eyes. "I hate this. It hurts so much."

  Kei moved to sit beside her and pulled her against him. She cried against him for a while. He truly was her best friend. Her brother. After a while she leaned back and pulled a rag from her pocket to blow her nose.


  "No," she admitted.

  "Are you sure he wasn’t cruel to you?" He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I don’t like seeing you cry, Aro."

  "I don’t like crying."

  He smiled slightly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  "I…I..." She shook her head, but then the words bubbled out of her, everything Prince had said.

  "Wait. Stop."

  She sniffled again and rubbed more tears from her face. Had she been talking too fast? No, she’d gotten to the part where Prince said Kei was foolish for binding himself to her. She should have known Kei would take offense to those words.

  "That’s not true," he said stiffly.

  "I know," she whispered, lowering her head.

  He grasped her shoulders and peered to look at her. "Do you? Do you know why?"

  Well, maybe she didn’t really. She shrugged, not meeting his gaze.

  "Then you will listen." He pulled her back to his side, putting an arm around her. "Those first days, you amazed me even then. Here was a girl, dressed as a boy, who’d lost everything. You were hurt. Alone. But you tried so hard to be strong. You were so brave, Aro. I respected you. Then I found out you were Commander Mason’s daughter. Have you understood how much he meant to me? He saved my life. He had died, but there you were. That first time, I bound myself to you willingly because of your strength, and who you were. Honor demanded I protect you. I knew you were human. I knew what it meant. Even then, I was prepared to protect you and be by your side for the rest of your life. Your father gave me this life. It was the least I could do to take care of his daughter."

  She’d never, ever, heard him speak so much. Staring at him in shock, his words slowly sunk in. Leaning forward she hugged him tightly. "Thank you. For whatever reason you did it. I needed it. Needed someone then." Mumbling into his shoulder, she wasn’t sure he heard her until his grip tightened around her.

  "And you know," he whispered into her hair, "the second time, I truly meant it. I wanted to. You are my family. And I…I couldn’t let you die."

  The tears started again, but for a different reason. "You’re my family, too. Always."


  "Yes." Squeezing him tightly once more, she then leaned back and wiped at her tears.

  "You’re a mess."

  "At least it’s dark."

  He smiled a little and brushed the last of her tears away. "Things will be better tomorrow."

  "I suppose you want to go back to camp now."

  "We should."

  She turned away, biting her lip. "I don’t want to see him. Not yet."

  He squeezed her hand. "You’re my strong girl. You can do this."

  Yes, she could. Maybe. "Can you go first? Let me know how things are there? I’ll be right behind you."

  Kei watched her carefully for a moment before nodding. Standing, he grabbed her hands and pulled her up, too. "I’ll be with you."

  With a nod she followed after him, until he stopped and grabbed her hand, pulling her up beside him. "Forever by your side," he whispered.

  Kei always made her smile.

  Chapter 16:

  What Friends are for

  Just before they reached the camp, Kei gave her hand a quick squeeze before leaving her to see how things were. It wasn’t long before he let her know Prince had already settled down to sleep. Relief flooding her, she walked into camp.

  Garen trotted up and bumped his head against her. She bent over and gave the giant wolf a hug.

  Bo pulled her into his arms next. "Get some sleep, pup. Tomorrow will be better."

  The tears stayed away, but so did her voice so she just nodded.

  She washed up quickly before making her way over to her usual spot by the fire. Kei rested not far from Prince, the usual place for her between them. She didn't take it. Pausing, she glared at them both for a moment. Things had changed. She walked instead to Kei's other side and settled down next to him.

  He rolled over, not really surprised. "Doing better?"

  Nodding, she acknowledged his whisper and closed her eyes quickly as he took her hands in his. She wondered if Prince would be angry. Certainly he didn't expect her to continue curling up next to him every night. At least he was lying down already. It wasn't a problem to deal with tonight.

  She was wrong.

  He got up. He moved to her other side and settled down again.

  She froze, eyes opening in shock. Kei seemed just as surprised. Her lips pressed together angrily when his hand slid over her waist. She picked it up and flung it back behind her. Don't.

  I thought you were not angry with me.

  I'm not.

  Then why–

  She rolled over quickly to face him. Because you are either going to be home or dead very soon. I will need to get used to not having you here. Correct?

  He lowered his eyes, his face drawn and pale at her harsh words. Yes.

  Besides. I don't know why you bother. I'm fine.

  He looked up, a frown crossing his face. You are not fine.

  I am not a child! Her mental scream carried. In her anger she hadn't bothered to control it. She wasn't touching Prince, and was therefore, using the pack’s mind-speech. Garen whined. She wondered if they'd all heard everything. Not that it mattered really.

  Yes, Aro, you are, he persisted.

  Sitting up, planning on moving again, she didn't expect him to reach out and grab her. She gasped, choking on tears and scrambling to her feet and away from him. Don’t!

  Prince rose swiftly, reaching out for her again.

  Suddenly Kei's arms wrapped around her, pulling her back against him, his face next to hers. "Shhh. I’m here." He looked to Prince. That is enough.

  "But she does not–"

  "No. You can't have it both ways, and you can't have everything."

  "You do not understand. She needs me!"

  Kei shook his head. "She can do without you. She has me. She has the rest of us. Y
ou hurt her. Did you think things would remain the same?"

  "That is not–"

  "Prince, stop." Bo stepped up next to Kei. "You aren’t thinking. I believe I understand what’s going on here." He smiled kindly down at Aro. "Consider your actions now and how they will make her feel. She isn’t a child any more. She’s a young woman."

  Prince frowned and looked at her, really looked at her. She saw his eyes widen slightly but squashed down the faint hope rising in her chest. It didn’t matter. Her being a child was only one of the many reasons he wouldn’t ever love her. Moving her gaze to the ground, she pressed closer to Kei.

  "Aro. Arowyn, please look at me," Prince said softly.

  Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and raised her chin. She wasn’t going to cry anymore. She wouldn’t.

  "You are," he paused, searching for words. "You are dear to my heart. I do not wish to lose what we have."

  His words ripped at her heart. Why did he have to be like this? Why did he have to be so…noble.

  "You will understand, one day. I am truly sorry to have hurt you. I am."

  She didn’t know what to say. He watched her patiently, apparently waiting for her to say something. "Things won’t be the same," she said quietly. "I’m sorry."

  A muscle ticked in Prince’s jaw before he gave her a brief, single nod. "Perhaps it is for the best."

  She turned her head and looked up at Kei. "I’m tired."

  Kei gave her another squeeze and then turned them and moved back to their place by the fire. She didn’t look back.

  Prince didn’t try to join her again.

  * * *

  Morning brought painful silence. She avoided Prince, trying desperately to escape his pained and sorrowful looks. Did he regret what he’d said to her? Part of her hoped so. The rest of her was just tired. Her dreams had been harsh and bloody. At least they faded from her memory quickly enough as the morning passed. She wished everything since she kissed Prince could be forgotten as easily.

  The temperature had dropped in the night. Fog surrounded them, drifting through the trees on the slight breeze. It didn’t appear too thick, so no one was concerned it would slow them down. It would clear up soon enough once the sun warmed the air.

  Once they packed everything up, she grabbed her water skin and headed for the quiet of the trees. She moved at a brisk walk, fighting the urge to run. Running got her nowhere. Squeezing her hands into fists, she tried to stop her mind from running in horrified circles. She’d ruined everything. Her impulsiveness had certainly got the better of her this time. Now she had no idea what to do.

  Garen padded up beside her. Aro…


  He snorted and turned his large head toward her for a moment before once again watching where he was going.

  They walked silently for a while before she glanced over her shoulder. Where’s Kei?

  Prince asked to speak with him.

  Her eyebrows went up. Well, then. She didn’t know what to say to that.

  Prince does love you.

  Clenching her fists, she increased her speed. I know. He’s just not in love with me.

  I know it hurts. But soon he’ll be home. I wish you could forgive him.

  His words stopped her. "There’s nothing to forgive," she said quietly. "It’s not like it’s his fault. I just…" She shook her head and rubbed her temples. "I did something stupid, and I’m embarrassed and I don’t know what to say. I changed everything and now I don’t know what to do."

  Garen’s ears flipped back and forth as she spoke. When she finished he moved forward and pressed his huge furry head against her chest. Sniffling, she rubbed between his ears.

  Taking a deep breath, she wiped tears from her eyes and raised her chin. "Let’s go. I’ll think of something. I just need a little time."

  When they next stopped to rest Bo dragged her away before she had to worry about avoiding Prince.

  Once far enough from the others to ensure privacy, Bo stopped and pulled her into a tight hug. She felt so tiny tucked against his broad chest and within his huge arms.

  "What do you need, pup?"

  Releasing a deep sigh, she pulled out of his arms. "For everyone to forget."

  "You didn’t do anything wrong."

  She shook her head and frowned. "I made a fool of myself."

  "You followed your heart. That’s not a bad thing, Aro."

  "It is when the other person doesn’t love you back," she retorted bitterly.

  Bo took both of her hands in his. "Aro, listen to me. You are a delightful, beautiful, intelligent woman. Any man will be lucky to have your love. The right one will come along. You’re sixteen; you’re not in any rush. One day, you’ll make one lucky man a wonderful wife."

  She shook her head and laughed. "Thanks."

  His words were something her brother Paul would have said. It left a warm feeling in her heart. The loss of her brothers created a constant dull ache inside of her, but she had made new family. They were there for her just as much as her brothers would have been.

  Bo smiled softly and ruffled her hair. "I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this…between the two of you."

  "You knew?"

  He chuckled. "I think Prince was the only one who didn’t." His smile turned wistful. "You look at him like Avery looked at you."

  The thought of their dead friend made her breath catch. Before he died, he’d begged her not to love Prince. She’d never realized he loved her. The pain of losing him brought tears to her eyes and she brushed them away quickly. "I miss him," she whispered. "So much. All the time."

  "I know, pup. I do, too."

  Unspoken words filled the silence. They missed John as well. His death was too new to speak off. It still brought too much pain.

  A breath shuddered out of her. She squeezed her eyes together tightly, trying to keep the tears away.

  "Remember the ones we still have, Aro. Don’t push Prince away. Remember you are friends. I’d hate to see you lose that."

  She grimaced he’d brought the topic back around and looked away. "I don’t know how to fix it."

  "If you had time, I would say not to worry, and things would work themselves out. But he won’t be with us much longer. Put it in the past, and start over. He wants to. I don’t think you’ll find it that hard. Do you want to be friends again?"

  "Of course!"

  "Then make it happen."

  She looked over at him, taking in the seriousness of his face. Raising her chin slightly, she nodded. "I will."

  "Good girl." He grinned. "We should head back then."

  Her resolve melted. She shook her head and looked away. "You go back. I need a few moments."

  Bo glanced around the trees. Though the sun had risen it remained cool and within the forest the fog remained. "We’re keeping close to the fields. Don’t go further in. It would be easy to get turned around in this mess."

  "I’ll be careful." She forced a smile and lightly punched his arm. "Stop worrying about me. I’m fine. I just need to think of what to say. I won’t be too long." She paused a moment, thinking. "If you all want to continue on, I can meet up with you."

  "We’ll wait," Bo said firmly.

  She watched him disappear into the fog and shadows. A deep breath sighed out of her and she turned on her heel to move further away. Not too far, she just needed a little more space.

  A huge old tree eventually caught her attention and she settled down at the base of it. Pulling up her legs, she wrapped her arms around them and then rested her forehead on her knees.

  The tears came without her even having to start thinking about everything.

  Letting it all out, all of her pain and embarrassment and heartache, her tears ran in torrents and turned into wracking sobs.

  One more good cry. That’s all she needed and then no more. She’d find her strength again after this. It would hold her up and keep her going until everything was fine again.

  Chapter 17:

Shadows in the Fog

  Crying exhausted her. By the time her sobs finally petered out, a headache pounded behind her eyes.

  "Rot," she muttered.

  Unwrapping her arms, they dropped to her sides as she pushed back to lean her head against the old tree. The fog created an eerie silence amongst the trees. All she could hear was her rough breathing and occasional sniffle. She took a deep breath, and then another. She could do this. She could fix things with Prince.

  Opening her eyes, she blinked back lingering tears. It seemed darker out. Looking up, she couldn’t see the sky through the old tree's branches. Perhaps clouds had drifted over the sun. She hoped it wasn’t going to rain.

  Movement to her left caught her eye. Freezing in place, she slowly turned her head. Something dark moved through the fog, barely visible before disappearing again. It made no sound.

  Garen? Where are you?

  With the others. What’s wrong?

  I don’t know. I thought I saw something in the fog.

  Turning her head slowly, she watched the fog around her. Dark shapes continued to appear and then get swallowed again. She saw more than one and they seemed to be circling her. Her fingers moved toward her daggers.

  A movement jerked her head to look straight in front of her. She blinked in surprise as a gasp escaped her.

  Were! There are Were!

  Calm down. Where are you? How many are there?

  I don’t know. Not far from where Bo left me.

  The Were before her stood much taller than Garen, its shoulders broader. Unlike Garen’s grey and white, it was mostly black. It stared at her a moment with strange blue and gold eyes. Slowly it began to move toward her.

  She pushed back against the tree and broke eye contact, trying to watch either side to see if any of the others approached. They didn’t. She caught glimpses of movement in the fog and nothing more.

  Her gaze returned to the large Were. It stopped before her and lowered its head, watching her curiously. Suddenly it blurred and then a man crouched in its place.

  She gaped at him, her eyes wide in shock.